Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adventure -- Rai Aren -- SECRET OF THE SANDS

For 12,000 years a dark and deadly secret has been hidden deep below the Great Sphinx of Giza. In present day Egypt, a frightening, yet awe-inspiring story unravels as archaeologists race against time to decipher an ancient truth...

Secret of the Sands is a mystery novel and an adventure novel that combines alternate historical fiction & speculative sci-fi to explore ancient Egypt and the mysterious Great Sphinx of Giza

SECRET OF THE SANDS is an Indiana Jones type of story where the reader is treated to two adventures-in-one as it weaves back and forth between a royal family with a potentially deadly secret in ancient Egypt and the adventures of a couple of modern-day archaeologists on a mission to uncover an amazing artifact that could change the world!

(Secret of the Sands is a little bit like mixing INDIANA JONES + THE MUMMY + NATIONAL TREASURE)

ISBN-10: 1-419675-52-4 • $17.99

To purchase the book in trade paperback, visit (also available on Kindle). Want to check out the trailers before you buy the book? View them both (yes, two separate!) at YouTube and Animoto. You can also find more information on the book at the SECRET OF THE SANDS website (where you can find sample chapters, reviews and other great stuff), or by following Rai on Facebook, Myspace and/or Twitter.

Have you read the book and want to leave a review? Let the readers know what you think!

Thanks for tuning in.

Poetry -- Dan Rabarts -- URBAN DRIFTWOOD

This is a collected anthology of poetry and short stories by four writers, titled URBAN DRIFTWOOD. URBAN DRIFTWOOD took ten years to go from inception to finally being published, so the work reflects largely on the journey from teens to adulthood. Dan would be more than happy to answer any questions one may have about this work or any of the contributing authors (which can be left here or emailed to rabarts(at)

ISBN-13: 978-0-473-14236-0

URBAN DRIFTWOOD can be found in a few forms: a free PDF download from, or a POD paperback from ($9.00 + shipping). A podcast is in the works!

For a review, please visit

Be sure to visit Dan's other websites/projects, including a blog titled Freshly Ground - Food and the Other Stuff in Life that Really Matters, and The Podagogue - News, Reviews and Interviews from the world of Podcasting and Other Fiction. Lastly, follow him on Twitter, he has lots of great Tweets.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next.